Some enhancements on
I’ve started to fix some glitches and work on enhancements on nextcloud added remote storage to access my STRATO Hidrive account added remote sites
This is the place where I try to improve my web technologies knowledge. And this is the place where I will write about the progress and experiences I make.
The content of this web site consists of blog articles and individual topic pages.
Blog articles get created when I enhance this web site or add specific topics. They are shown below in chronological order. In addition blog articles belong to one or more (sub)categories. To access the blog articles according to these categories you can select the TECHNOLOGY or PHOTOGRAPHY archive page on the top menu or use the search bar at the bottom of the right sidebar.
Topic pages describe a specific topic in more detail. Over time, they will be updated with new findings, experiences …. If a topic page is created or get a major update, it will be presented in a new blog articles. You can access the topic pages via the menu items at the top.
For a full list of all the blogs, pages and categories go to the SITE MAP page.
If you like you can send me a message in the Contact page.
Stay tuned there is a lot to see and learn.
Best regards
I’ve started to fix some glitches and work on enhancements on nextcloud added remote storage to access my STRATO Hidrive account added remote sites
This is my first post from the WordPress mobile app. Let’s see how this looks like.
Hi, during the last couple of days, I’ve started to configure my own Linux server in the internet. It is based on an V-Server from
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At
Enjoying life at home and abroad.